✉ office@yibc.org ✆ 045-621-6431 Worship Times | 礼拝時間 Sunday 9:30AM 日曜日9時半
✉ office@yibc.org ✆ 045-621-6431 Worship Times | 礼拝時間 Sunday 9:30AM 日曜日9時半
Yokohama International Baptist Church (YIBC) Welcomes you!
"A Church for the nations," YIBC is a bilingual international church located in Yokohama, Japan, near Negishi Park. People from all nationalities are warmly welcomed. Our services are conducted in English and Japanese, and we offer Bible study groups in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Tagalog. Our vision is to glorify God by prayerfully equipping followers of Christ through the Word of God to serve each other in loving unity regardless of language or culture and reproduce in new believers and new churches.
We are a Great Commission Baptist Church affiliated with the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention and welcome all to come join our worship service at 9:30 each Sunday morning either in person or on our Facebook page HERE.
様々な国の人が集う教会」であるYIBCは、横浜の根岸森林公園近くにあるバイリンガルの国際教会です。どの国の方も大歓迎です。礼拝は英語と日本語で行われ、英語、日本語、中国語、タガログ語のバイブル スタディ グループがあります。私たちの使命は、言語や文化の如何にかかわらず、互いに愛をもって仕え合い、一致し、祈り心をもち、聖書をとおしてキリストの弟子を整えることにより、また、イエス・キリストを信じる者および新しい教会を生みだすことによって、神の栄光を現す事です。
Our worship is characterized by a desire to have the Word of God saturate each part of our worship so that we come to know the God of the Bible in a more personal way each time we gather to worship Him. Each Sunday at 9:30AM when we gather, we include certain elements in our worship services that will help us reflect on God's Word. We begin with reciting together a catechism question and answer in both English and Japanese that helps us to learn from Scripture in a systematic way who God is, what He is like and how we relate to Him. We then sing songs of praise and worship that are based on the Word of God, and therefore on God Himself and God the Son, Jesus Christ. We also include times of congregational prayer led by a Deacon and a pastoral prayer led by one of our Elders. Once every month, we share the Lord's Supper together and also hear from one of our members a testimony about God's work in their lives. Every week, the highlight of our time in God's Word is the message which is an exposition of God's Word that usually is focused on going through a particular book of the Bible.
We try to offer the sermon manuscripts in Japanese and English, as well as the song lyrics and bulletin each week in advance here on our website.
The gospel is the good news of God's plan of salvation available to all mankind. What is this good news? God the creator of heaven and earth and all mankind has made a way for humans to be forgiven of their sins and restored in relationship to him. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh over 2000 years ago and took the punishment for our sins upon Himself on the cross. Three days later he rose from the dead proving he was God, and he promises forgiveness of sin and eternal life for all who repent and put their faith in him.